Home CAR & BIKES Pics: Visited Auto Moto d’Epoca 2024; Europe’s largest classic car show

Pics: Visited Auto Moto d’Epoca 2024; Europe’s largest classic car show

Pics: Visited Auto Moto d’Epoca 2024; Europe’s largest classic car show

I can’t even begin to tell you how many Ferraris, Bugattis, Lambo and so on we saw.

BHPian Jeroen recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

Those who have been following my posts over the years will know that I attend a lot of car shows all over Europe, mostly classic car shows. However, since Corona, there has been a definite shift in the content of many classic car shows. Sure, there will be plenty of classic cars, but very often, you will also find very exclusive modern cars on display.

Most of my car show visits are made with my best friend, my spanner mate, and classic car appraiser Extraordinary, Peter. Earlier this year we attended the Classic Car show in Essen Germany. We must have visited about a dozen times if not more. We ran into people we knew who talked about this fantastic classic car show in Italy. Sure, we heard about it, but we had no idea of its current size. Luckily the organisation had a booth at the Essen show, so we had a chat with them and picked up some leaflets.

That evening whilst having a drink and dinner in our hotel in Essen we decided to visit this year Auto Moto d’Epoca in Bologna. I booked us a couple of KLM tickets and a hotel between our starter and main course!

So on Friday 25th of October my alarm went at 3.30AM. By four I was in my Mini on my way to Amsterdam airport.

Peter and I had booked security slots, so no delays passing security! Works really well and it is free of charge too. No queue at no cost.

We had a quick breakfast, a croissant and cup of coffee. Which cost almost the same as the price of our KLM Ticket. How ridiculous is that?

Very uneventful 1-hour, 20-minute flight and we were in Balogne.

We took a taxi to the exhibition centre. I guess we flew in a modern plane to our classic car show, so taking a Tesla as a taxi to the venue is similar.

The first car we spotted will look familiar to many of our members I believe:

We decided to have a cappuccino (when in Rome/Balonge etc) and get our bearings before heading out into this massive exhibition.

We headed into the exhibition and it was (classic) car galore! This exhibition is huge. As you will see it caters for the high end of the market. I can’t even begin to tell you how many Ferraris, Bugattis, Lambo and so on we saw. And we saw at least a dozen cars we had never seen before. It does happen to me occasionally, but it is very rare for Peter to come across a classic car he has not seen or heard of. When you spend all your professional life appraising classic cars, you tend to get to know the market, including all its rarities pretty well.

As I mentioned, lots and lots of Ferrari’s. We saw just about every Ferrari ever made. Lots of red, but some other colours too!

Pick your colour of Porsche.

My personal favourite Ferrari. Some might argue it is not a real Ferrari, but I think it is. I also think this white doesn’t do its justice. It looks most stunning in metallic blue.

Cars of just about all era’s obviously

You might think of this as just a cute little Fiat 500 in ragtop version. But these little version, if original, are very sought after. They will easily retail for KEuro 50.

Of course, the original Fiat 50 is doing well as a classic car these days too!

This is a classic car show, in Italy. As I mentioned earlier, (classic) car shows are morphing into not only modern, or at least youngtime high-end car shows, but they will also attract various lifestyle types of vendors.

One lifestyle vendor no Italian exhibition would be seen without is of course, the famous Riva Speedboat. Gorgeous shape, unbelievable attention to detail!

Some nice SLKs. I think this is a much-underrated car. Of course, always get the supercharged engine!

As you would expect at an exhibition like this, Sotheby is out in Force: That is one stunning-looking car!

Something a bit more subtle than all those high-end cars, a little Fiat 127. Immaculate condition!

And some more boats!

Some details and impressions, there is so much to see here

Somehow I don’t think this is an original OEM badge?

Look at this, I call it engine porn!

Continue reading on BHPian Jeroen’s Classic Car Show visit for BHPian comments, insights and more information.

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