The Hyderabad-based Nehru Zoological Park has been recognized by the International Standard Organization (ISO)-9001:2015 for the consecutive 5th year, a statement from zoo authorities on Thursday said.
Published Date – 21 November 2024, 06:41 PM

Hyderabad: The Hyderabad-based Nehru Zoological Park has been recognized by the International Standard Organization (ISO)-9001:2015 for the consecutive 5th year, a statement from zoo authorities on Thursday said.
Prior to issuing the ISO-9001:2015 certification, the ISO team conducts thorough inspection with respect to conservation of wildlife, particularly of endangered species through better upkeep, planned breeding and collaborative research and capacity building components before issuing the certificate.
On Thursday, A. Sivaiah, Managing Director, HYM, International Certification Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad presented the ISO- 9001:2015 certificate for the year 2024-25 to Zoo administration team headed by Dr. Sunil. S. Hiremath, IFS, Director, Zoo Parks, Telangana and J. Vasantha, IFS, Curator, Nehru Zoological Park.
Speaking on the occasion J.Vasantha said that Nehru Zoological Park is the only Zoo park in the country which is honoured by the ISO 9001:2015, Certificate for Conservation of Wildlife particularly Endangered species through better upkeep, planned breeding and collaborative research and capacity building.