Hyderabad: The Telangana high court on Monday said that people belonging to the Ausula, Kammari, Kanchari, Vadrangi and Silpi communities must be considered as members of Viswabrahmin community in the ongoing caste census by the state govt.
Justice Surepalli Nanda issued directions to the govt to make corrections in the process after hearing a petition filed by the Viswabrahmin Welfare Association..
Association’s lawyer P Srinivas had contended that in the GO issued in 2020 the then state govt had categorised these communities under the BC category, but in the current survey the govt was recording them separately. “This will result in the reduction of BC population, thereby affecting welfare schemes aimed at the BCs,” Srinivas said.
Srinivas said the aggrieved parties had even submitted representations to the BC welfare minister, BC commissioner and collectors of 33 districts, but the govt went ahead with the survey without making the corrections.
Association’s lawyer contended that in GO issued in 2020 the then state govt had categorised these communities under BC, but in survey now they are recorded separately