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Flat Earthers Befuddled as They Visit Antarctica and Earth Appears to Be Round

Flat Earthers Befuddled as They Visit Antarctica and Earth Appears to Be Round

Well, this is awkward.

Around We Go

After a pastor took a group of Flat Earthers to Antarctica to prove definitively what shape our planet is, some of the truthers were startled to find that the globe is indeed round.

In an expedition dubbed “The Final Experiment,” pastor Will Duffy took a group of Flat Earthers to Antarctica for the first time ever.

His mission: to prove that there are no barriers — literal or figurative — to prevent them from visiting, but also that the Sun shines there 24 hours a day in the summer — something that simply couldn’t happen if the planet was actually flat.

“I created The Final Experiment to end this debate, once and for all,” Duffy said in a press release ahead of the trip. “After we go to Antarcticano one has to waste any more time debating the shape of the Earth.”

In a video from that voyage, Flat Earth influencer Jeran Campanella admitted that when it comes to the midnight Sun, he may have been mistaken.

“Sometimes you are wrong in life,” Campanella said. “I thought there was no 24-hour Sun. In fact, I was pretty sure of it.”

Sun Says

Upon witnessing the round-the-clock sunlight during the Arctic summer, which is opposite ours in the Northern Hemisphere, the Flat Earth enthusiast professed that when it comes to the Sun’s movements, so-called “Globe Earthers” are right.

“I realize that I’ll be called a shill for just saying that and you know what, if you’re a shill for being honest so be it — I honestly believed there was no 24-hour Sun,” Campanella said. “I honestly now believe there is.”

While the trip did seem to persuade at least one prominent Flat Earther that his beliefs were wrong, another of the conspiracy-theorizing Arctic voyagers was less convinced.

“I have seen a physical demonstration that could show this working, but I do think that some of the data we’re going to have from this trip will help to clarify if that is what’s actually happening,” Flat Earther Austin Whitsitt said.

As for Duffy, the surprising voice for science behind the expedition, he just seemed glad that he and his motley crew of explorers made it all the way down to the South Pole in one piece.

More on conspiracy debunking: Congressman Asks FEMA Head If She’s Controlling Weather, Sending Hurricanes to Trump Voters’ Homes

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