Home CAR & BIKES Chevrolet Beat: Replacing fused LEDs in the AC panel

Chevrolet Beat: Replacing fused LEDs in the AC panel

Chevrolet Beat: Replacing fused LEDs in the AC panel

Additionally, a step by step guide on how to detach the control unit from the main dashboard would be very helpful as I intend to do this by myself.

BHPian madlad092 recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

Grettings BHP-ians. First post.

I drive a Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol 1st Gen 2011 model. I have noticed the lighting in the AC Control Unit have gradually began to get dimmer (photograph attached) which is quite evident in the knob. Can anyone suggest which type of bulb used is for the AC Unit?
Additionally, a step by step guide on how to detach the control unit from the main dashboard would be very helpful as I intend to do this by myself.
Many thanks guys!

Photograph of the AC Control Unit. The third knob is not even visible anymore.

Here’s what BHPian mortis had to say on the matter:

Unfortunately I do not have a complete solution for you but I do have some information that can shed some light (hehe)

There are no “bulbs” per say that illuminate the AC controls. The light source for the backlight are LEDs. You can just make out the bright spots of their location in your picture. My Beat (now sold) also lost an LED each on two of the knobs but I did not set forth in repairing it since there was sufficient illumination.

The LEDs are most likely soldered on to the circuit board so you would need to either need to have soldering skills or take the board to someone who does electronic repairs or even one who repairs home LED lights. Provided the circuit board isn’t damaged or corroded too badly, simply replacing the LEDs should be a straightforward fix.

Now as for the LEDs themselves, judging by the brightness and shape profile, these are most likely 5mm Straw hat LEDs in ice blue or sky blue colour. I can only find regular blue but I’m linking some below to give you an idea of what to look for :

Link 1

Link 2

I can’t say for sure if these are the LEDs you need but they are cheap enough to waste money on for a quick repair and refit.

As for removal, it’s best to visit the accessory shop who fitted your head unit. They should be able to remove the panel. If I remember correctly there are a couple of screws on top under the headunits and another couple accessed from the cubby underneath. Rest is held in by clips.

Best of luck and do update us if you manage to fix it.

BHPian madlord92 had the following update to share on the matter:

Hi, just a quick update. I brought this issue to my FNG and he directed me to purchase these auxiliary bulbs(?) and he asserted that the two bulbs also illuminate the three AC knobs in the unit. They just arrived in the mail today and I’ll be taking these in tomorrow for installation.

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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