Vijayawada: City police are intensifying efforts to implement the Andhra Pradesh high court’s directive of mandating helmet use for all two-wheeler riders. Currently, helmet compliance stands at 75%. The authorities aim to increase this to 95% by May, 2025. To enforce this, fine amount for not riding without wearing a helmet will rise from 135 to 1,000 starting March 1.
The high court issued the order after reviewing the alarming number of fatalities in two-wheeler accidents across the state. The court emphasized that many of these lives could have been saved if riders had worn helmets, and instructed police to ensure stricter enforcement.
Under the “No Helmet, No Entry” campaign, police are conducting special drives at key entry points to Vijayawada, including Prakasam Barrage, Kanakadurga Bridge, and Ajit Singh Nagar. Motorists without helmets are being stopped, and authorities are urging them to purchase helmets on the spot. Similar enforcement drives are underway on Bandar Road, Eluru Road, and major city intersections.
To further promote helmet usage, the cops have launched an innovative awareness campaign addressing families, especially women, urging them to remind their loved ones to wear helmets. Large banners across the city carry impactful messages, including a striking visual stating, “If you ride without a helmet, Yamadharmaraju (the god of death) will sit on your vehicle.” Police are also increasing penalties for other traffic violations.