Home NEWS Hyderabad Annual Tree Biodiversity Survey is back

Hyderabad Annual Tree Biodiversity Survey is back

WWF-India invites volunteers to participate in its second Hyderabad Annual Tree (HAT) Biodiversity Survey to be conducted between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. on March 9.

An initiative under the its Citizen Science programme, the survey will be conducted in a few selected streets and parks across the six zones of the city, to ensure that diverse micro-habitats are covered. The main objective of this survey is to witness, experience and understand the complex network of nature, the intrinsic inter-relationship between the trees and animals in our city, a statement from WWF-India Hyderabad said. Volunteers of the HAT Biodiversity Survey will observe and record the numerous species that visit or reside in the city trees. 

For every tree examined, the volunteers will complete a survey form in which important information about the tree such as its name, its diameter at breast height, its flowering and fruiting status and others will be noted. Volunteers will also document relevant information on the animals spotted on the trees, their species name, and the number of species present during the observation.

WWF-India’s State director Farida Tampal said the aim of the HAT Biodiversity survey is to create awareness among the common citizens regarding the flora and fauna of the city through their direct involvement in the conservation process of urban forests.

Those interested to volunteer may register themselves by filling up the online registration form available at ‘http://bit.ly/3Xra3BT’ or by contacting 8074419076 or mailing to sakbar@wwfindia.net.

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