Home CAR & BIKES First hand experience: Sorry state of affairs at the Ola service centre

First hand experience: Sorry state of affairs at the Ola service centre

First hand experience: Sorry state of affairs at the Ola service centre

Unless there’s a massive increase in the service capacity, I don’t see the service getting better anytime soon.

BHPian vivekgk recently shared t his with other enthusiasts.

There have been a ton of issues reported all over social media about the understaffed service centres of Ola. When I went to Ola’s service centre at Muttathara, Trivandrum to ask about why no one was coming to take a look at my scooter, the workers there said they were helpless as they were woefully understaffed.

There were more than a hundred scooters parked in the yard, stretching out to the street, and more were being brought in. And to handle this, they had 3-4 people at most, and a workshop that’s the size of a 2BHK, which can accomodate 5-6 vehicles at most. The person I spoke to said that the hired workers were quitting too fast, and they had to resort to bringing in trained staff from Chennai and other locations temporarily to handle the workload.

Unless there’s a massive increase in the service capacity, I don’t see the service getting better anytime soon. Which means it looks like my scooter is going to be stuck at the workshop for much longer. Ola on the other hand seems focused on sales and sales alone, and the impending IPO.

Another issue is that Ola has closed the service request for my Scooter from their end, and they have even sent me a message saying that the vehicle is repaired and ready for pick-up!! Now there is no way to track my service request in the app. They have even sent me a survey link asking them to “Rate their Service”!!!

First hand experience: Sorry state of affairs at the Ola service centre

I suspect that this is some tactic from their end to wash off their hands, in the event of litigation. They have even removed all of my past tickets from the app as well, and I am unable to see the chat history. Fortunately I have screenshots of everything saved.

Is there any way I can file a case for a full refund, considering that the new vehicle has been rendered completely useless in less than 2 months of delivery, and the seemingly unending delays in repairs? I see cases where owners have been waiting for 2 months for a warranty battery replacement, and nothing seems to be happening. And even if I get the scooter working again, what guarantee is there that this battery too will not fail?

I called Ola Customer care again today morning, and they said that they would arrange a callback from the Service Centre, which of course didn’t happen. I raised my concern about the service request being closed, but they said that this was a technical issue with the App, nothing more.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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