The Telugu states are almost entirely focused on the series of discussions related to the arrest of TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu. As expected, there are widespread protests on the same.
There are several protests in parts of Hyderabad, and particularly so amongst the IT sector community.
Incidentally, TDP planned a protest with support from IT employees at the Marri Chettu area of Manokonda, Hyderabad later today. And tomorrow, a car rally was planned at Nanakramguda.
However, Telangana police were quick to react, saying that there were no police permissions for either of these events. They warned the protestors of consequences if they carried on with their agitation.
What needs to be noted here is that these protests are at the spur of the moment. The emotions ar flaring high with the arrest of CBN. If the Telangana government leaves it as it is, then the issue can subside in a 2-3 days, if not, maybe a weak.
But taking unnecessary police action, like the way they did with the IT employees yesterday by detaining several individuals, this could paint a bad image for the BRS government amongst a section of the settler voters. This is not what they want with less than 3 months to go for Telangana elections.
Moreover, none of these protests are violent ones. So there is no law and order issue here either, so the Telangana government is better off leaving things as they are without much intervention.