Home CINEMA Biden’s Campaign Is Hiring A Meme Manager, 85K And No WFH!

Biden’s Campaign Is Hiring A Meme Manager, 85K And No WFH!

Biden’s Campaign Is Hiring A Meme Manager, 85K And No WFH!

US President Joe Biden is hiring a manager for content and meme pages. This piece of news caught all the memers’ attention in the country and the sound of a ‘memer working for the US president’ itself sounds interesting.

Joe Biden’s campaign posted a list of jobs and one of them is titled, ‘partner manager, content and meme pages’. The job description says the person will build and maintain relationships with podcasters, digital-media companies, and large meme pages.

Meme pages are super popular online attracting millions of views and likes on social media like Instagram and TikTok. It is heard that Biden’s campaign is keen on attracting Gen Z voters via meme pages and needless to say they are the biggest consumers of memes.

Biden’s campaign is offering an annual salary of up to $85,000 for its meme manager and the job requires two to four years of experience in the video, media, or entertainments industry, expertise with digital media. It also requires a mandatory relocation to Delaware.

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