Youtube wont allow the users to get cheaper subscriptions via VPNs. Internet is a never ending loop of interconnected networks that the comsumers have grown to depend on for almost everything. Be it the modern day transaction system, or pure entertainment, internet got your back. And with forever increasing users, some find a few loopholes to exploit its services.
Virtual Private Networks or VPN is one tool that allows people hide their IP address and enables them to change their virtual location and people have been using it to change their virtual location to get cheaper Youtube Premium subscriptions as it varies country to country.
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Youtube is tracking down such users and taking strict actions against them. The cheap gateway to get Premium services at a low rate is no more an option. Like a camper in a battle royal, Youtube is coming for all the VPN exploiters guns blazing.
Reports say, users with premium subscriptions using VPN are getting their premium memberships terminated. Whenever there’s a change in user’s sign up location and current location, Youtube will ask for an update in billing info to match their current location.
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