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Why is KCR misleading people on PRLIS when just one out of 31 pumps is ready, asks Nagam

Former Ministers Nagam Janardhan Reddy and G. Chinna Reddy addressing a press conference in Hyderabad on Saturday.

Former Ministers Nagam Janardhan Reddy and G. Chinna Reddy addressing a press conference in Hyderabad on Saturday.

Former Minister Nagam Janardhan Reddy questioned the State government’s enthusiasm in painting a picture of successfully launching the Palamuru-Ranga Reddy Lift Irrigation Scheme (PRLIS), when only one pump out of the total 31 of the project was ready to function.

“Not even 40% of the works are completed and there are 30 more pumps to be readied, but Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao is portraying as if the entire project is completed. He ignored the project for 9 years and is starting just one pump because of the elections,” he charged at a press conference here on Saturday.

Mr. Janardhan Reddy further said that the BRS government wants to divert the attention from the Congress Working Committee (CWC) meeting, to be held in Hyderabad on September 16, and trying to create a show as it is afraid of the growing popularity of the Congress in Telangana. As per norms, the wet run should be done one month after the completion of the dry run of the pump. But, here government was doing it after just 13 days of the dry run.

“While KCR is responsible for the inordinate delay in the project, he is trying to blame the Congress leaders. We have never opposed the project and in fact, we started it. Those who opposed it and went to the Green Tribunal are now with the BRS,” he said. “Can KCR prove that I am responsible for the delay? I am ready for a debate on this,” he said.

Mr. Janardhan Reddy sought an apology from KCR for promising that the PRLIS would be completed within 30 months but even after 90 months, not even half of it was completed. “KCR also promised unprecedented compensation for those losing land due to the project and a job to every family but the CM is silent on this,” he said.

He also lashed out at the BRS government saying that the Chief Minister agreed for 299 tmc for Telangana though it was eligible and allocated 574 tmc. “Now, the AP government is drawing that additional water illegally and KCR is silent. While Rayalaseema region is benefitting, South Telangana is losing because of KCR’s agreement,” he said.

Jupally questions KCR

Former Minister Jupally Krishna Rao, who joined the Congress recently, said that the Central Water Commission is yet to give permission for the 90 tmc water allocated to the PRLIS. “Why is KCR misleading people,” he asked.

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