After the sensational hit of Bimbisara, director Vassishta grabbed the mega opportunity to direct Megastar Chiranjeevi in his second movie. The film Mega157 was announced on Chiranjeevi’s birthday with an amazing concept poster.
Today, the director informed to have begun the pre-production works of Mega157. Vassishta shared a picture that sees him posing along with Chiranjeevi, Vamsi, Vikram, and Chota K Naidu who will handle the cinematography.
“A MEGA Start to the MEGA Film #MEGA157 is coming to life as we kick-off the pre-production works! We are ready to take you all on a cinematic adventure soon! @KChiruTweets @UV_Creations @NaiduChota ,” wrote Vassishta.
Mega157 will be the most expensive film for Chiranjeevi. The team will announce other details soon.