Home NEWS RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023, Sample Format

RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023, Sample Format

RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023, Sample Format

RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023

The Reserve Bank Of India has released its RBI Assistant Notification PDF on 13 September 2023 through its official website (www.rbi.org.in). The following recruitment will be done to select eligible candidates for the 450 Assistant posts. The apply online link for RBI Assistant recruitment is active from 13 September 2023 and will continue till 04 October 2023. So, while enrolling for the application, it is necessary for all the candidates to learn the right process to draft the RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023. Writing a handwritten declaration is considered to be an important part while initiating the application process. The format and size of the handwritten declaration should be perfect. In this post we will highlight all the information related to RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023.

RBI Assistant 2023 Notification PDF

RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration

As per the rules mentioned in the RBI Assistant Notification 2023, candidates are required to apply for the post with right procedure. Aspirants have to upload their documents such as signatures, photos and thumb impressions in a correct manner. One of the main document remains RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023. You need to be knowledgeable about the particular size and dimensions of uploading your RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023. To avoid any type of issues, we have given the right sample of RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration in this post. So, follow this post for authentic details.

RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration Sample Format

The official notification PDF of RBI Assistant 2023 consist of a sample format of RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023. This format has been implemented by the RBI. Below we have given the sample of RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023 that candidates should follow.

“I, _______ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.”

See here how to write a handwritten declaration for RBI Assistant

RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023: Important Dates

The RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration has to be submitted on or before 4 October 2023 during the registration process. Candidates can go through the important dates related to RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration in the table below.

RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023: Important Dates
RBI Assistant Notification PDF Released 13 September 2023
RBI Assistant 2023 Starting Date To Apply 13 September 2023
RBI Assistant 2023 Last Date To Apply 04 October 2023

RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023: Sample Size

While applying for the RBI Assistant post, a candidate must ensure that the file size and format has been precisely updated. Their application may get rejected if they will not follow the right formatting. So, here we have mentioned a table below through which you can analyze the size and format of RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023.

RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration: Sample Size
File Type jpg/jpeg
Dimension 800 x 400 pixels in 200 DPI (Preferred for required quality) i.e. 10 cm x 5 cm (Width x Height)

RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023: Important Guidelines

While applying for the RBI Assistant 2023 vacancy candidates must follow these listed guidelines to draft their handwritten declaration.

  • Candidates should strictly follow the format written in this article to write their RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023.
  • Candidates should write the following declaration on a white paper clearly in English with black ink.
  • The handwritten declaration should be written by the candidate. If any malfunctions will be noticed your application may get rejected.
  • The declaration should NOT be written in CAPITAL LETTERS.

RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration Uploading Procedure

Here we have given the procedure, a candidate should follow to upload their RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023.

  1. While filling up the application the following candidate will get separate links to upload their signature, photograph, handwritten declaration, left thumb impression.
  2. Click on the following link to upload all your documents correctly.
  3. Browse and select your scanned signature, photograph, handwritten declaration, left thumb impression.
  4. Select your file.
  5. Click the Open or Upload button.
  6. If your formatting has not been done correctly an error message will be displayed on your screen.
  7. Preview all your documents and be careful about the quality and upload it.

RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023, Sample Format_60.1

RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023, Sample Format_70.1

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