The second week of Bigg Boss Telugu 7 has been quite eventful. The housemates have been competing for the Power Astra. In addition to confirming the second contestant for the Power Astra competition, Bigg Boss also gave ratings for the housemates’ performances.
Shivaji, Shakila, and Amardeep were the contestants competing for the Power Astra. In today’s episode, it was announced that Shivaji had won the Power Astra and received four weeks of immunity.
Nagarjuna warned Shivaji to follow Bigg Boss rules and not make an issue constantly, saying he would walk out of the Bigg Boss house. He reminded of Sivaji that he entered the house only after knowing the rules perfectly.
This week, Bigg Boss evaluated the contestants’ performances and rated them using the King’s Meter. Each contestant received a rating in red, yellow, or green colors. Here are the ratings given by Bigg Boss:
– Amardeep: Green (Better performance compared to last week)
– Priyanka Jain: Red (Needs to improve next week)
– Prashanth: Green
– Yavar: Green
– Gautham Krishna: All Red (Personal attacks not appreciated)
– Subhasree: Red
– Damini: All Red
– Sobha Shetty: Green
– Rathika Rose: Yellow
– Tasty Teja: Red
Bigg Boss was upset with Prashanth for not taking care of the chili plant given to him, considering himself a farmer’s son. He was given another plant and advised to take better care of it this time.
What surprised everyone is Nag asking Rathika not to play with humans. “Manushulatho Aadukovaddamma Rathika” told Nag, and asked if she understood what he is hinting at.
Indirectly, Nag asked Rathika to stop playing the love game with Pallavi Prashanth and Prince Yavar. We have to see if it would bring major changes to her game.