Home CINEMA Pakistan Bans Indian IT

Pakistan Bans Indian IT

The Pakistan government has urged IT and financial institutions to steer clear of Indian-origin AI and ICT products.

This decision comes as a proactive measure to counter potential threats lurking in the shadows of collaboration with foreign tech providers.

The government’s “cybersecurity advisory” serves as a wake-up call to the fintech sector, including some banks, currently engaged with Indian IT companies. The concern lies in the concealed dangers posed by these collaborations.

The two primary fears are the possibility of hidden backdoors or malware, which could compromise sensitive data, and the risk of Indian infiltration into Pakistan’s critical information infrastructure through technical means.

Instead of relying on foreign tech giants, the government encourages institutions to explore alternatives closer to home.

By consulting with the Pakistan Software House Association and embracing locally developed solutions, Pakistan can not only bolster its cybersecurity defenses but also stimulate the growth of its domestic tech industry.

This strategic shift towards homegrown tech not only enhances security but also fosters innovation and self-reliance, marking a significant step forward in Pakistan’s technological journey.

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