Home NEWS Shepherd dies due to tiger attack. Police and forest staff engaged...

Shepherd dies due to tiger attack. Police and forest staff engaged in investigation, villagers panic due to tiger’s movement

Suture8 hours ago

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A 50-year-old man who had gone to the forest to graze cattle under Kurai police station area of ​​Seoni district was attacked by a tiger. Due to which he died. Police and forest department have been informed about this incident.

According to the information, Yashwant Rao, resident of Gram Panchayat Khandasa of Kurai police station area, his legal father Sitaram, aged 50 years, had gone to the forest of Khawasa Karwai with cattle. Where the tiger attacked Yashwant Rao. Which resulted in death.

Local people told that in the evening when the cattle came home and Yashwant did not come. So the family members and villagers went to the forest and tried to search for him. Where he was found lying dead in the forest after being attacked by a tiger. This information was immediately given to the police and forest department.

Khawasa Pench Ranger Shri Upadhyay says that the deceased was hunted in the forest of Maharashtra. Therefore, further action is being taken by Devlapar General. In this case, Kurai police said that the deceased was a resident of Kurai police station area, but his body was found under Maharashtra area.

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