Home CINEMA His Silence Indicates No Case Against Chandrababu Naidu

His Silence Indicates No Case Against Chandrababu Naidu

IYR-Krishna-Rao-Chandrabau-NaiduCID build the whole case against Chandrababu Naidu basing on the Note Files of PV Ramesh and Kaki Sunitha when the Skill Development Corporation was established. PV Ramesh says it is a shadow file that is more like a scrapbook and their remarks were taken out of context.

Along with both of them, the then Chief Secretary IYR Krishna Rao‘s name also figured prominently in this case. IYR was obviously the bridge between the Chief Minister and the senior bureaucrats.

PV Ramesh already announced in the media that his statement was twisted to corner Chandrababu Naidu. Both Sunitha and IYR Krishna Rao are silent on this issue so far.

It is understandable on Sunitha‘s part because she is still in the service and can not go against Jagan Mohan Reddy. But it is not the case with IYR who is retired.

IYR who took a nominated post from Chandrababu Naidu after retirement revolted against the then Chief Minister. He maligned Chandrababu Naidu‘s Government by spewing venom on Amaravati and many other issues.

He also played a prominent role in creating a rift between TDP and Janasena back then. IYR is someone who does not let go an opportunity to trouble Naidu.

The general opinion is that he would not be silent until he has something that will help Chandrababu Naidu. Given his hatred for Naidu and TDP, he would not like to speak and help them politically. So he is being silent in the name of the matter being prejudice and is enjoying the show.

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