In the fourth week of Bigg Boss Telugu, the nomination process has concluded, and six contestants have entered the list. However, the episode was filled with interesting arguments and surprising fights. But, the highlight of the episode is Prashanth calling Rathika his sister. All those who are following the seventh season closely would know how Rathika is teasing Prashanth from the beginning. But, it looks like the bubble has burst now.
During the nominations, Gautham brought up an incident from a few days ago when Prashanth had commented on Rathika wearing a single-piece dress. This led to a heated argument between Rathika and Prashanth.
Rathika sternly warned Prashanth that she would not tolerate such comments. After arguing for a while, Prashanth changed his stance and decided to call Rathika “sister” instead of engaging in further conflicts. This sudden change in behavior surprised the audience, as Prashanth had initially followed Rathika in the first week and then quarreled with her in the second week. His decision to call her “sister” while behaving like a stranger was quite unexpected.
Heated arguments took place between Rathika and Prashanth where Rathika had almost cornered Prashanth but no one came to his rescue. Rathika kept on questioning why he gave advances to her and Prashanth tried to answer that her behaviour resulted in his actions. But, Rathika refused to accept the same.
Week 4 Nominated Contestants: Tasty Teja, Priyanka Jain, Rathika Rose, Gautham Krishna, Subhasri Rayaguru, and Prince Yawar.