You Know My Name is the seventh main mission in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty and your goal is to stealthily infiltrate Hansen’s gala at the Black Diamond in search of Songbird.
Although the stealth part is optional, it’s recommended not to shoot the place up on your way to the party if you want an easier infiltration time (and a pat on the back from Solomon Reed).
To help you through every part of this story mission, we’ve got a complete You Know My Name walkthrough for Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty below, including how to identify all immediate threats to Reedand the correct netrunner roulette choices.
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How to proceed down the tunnels during You Know My Name in Phantom Liberty
When you’re ready to start ‘You Know My Name’, put on the Tactical Diving Suit Alex gave you from the ‘Outfits’ section of your equipable inventory. This suit ensures V can breathe underwater without an oxygen bar, and won’t take any toxic damage while swimming.
We also recommend your bring a gun with a silencer, like the ‘Her Majesty’ pistol that Alex gave you.
When you’re ready to start your infiltration mission, head to the marker in the middle of Dogtown and force open the blue door. Keep going until you get to the flooded tunnels, then enter the water and dive to proceed.
It’s a bit murky under the water, so here’s directions on how to proceed down the tunnels:
- Keep going forward until you can’t anymore, then take a left towards the red mine in the distance.
- Either get close enough to disarm this first mine, or stick to the right to avoid it
- Open the yellow hatch to the right of the first mine.
- Go through the hatch, then disarm the second mine on the right.
- Open the van door, exit through the back, then follow the red cable up into the half-flooded room.
- Go to the corner with a Datashard on a table, then take the path directly opposite this Datashard and dive back into the water.
- Go towards the third mine, disarm it, then go through the hole beside it.
- In the next half-flooded room, dive under the ladder behind the grid fencing to get to it.
- Climb the ladder then press the red break release button.
- Climb onto the lowered platform, then press the next red break release button.
- Crouch to the next lowered platform and through the vent.
- Climb the ladder, then jump to the next ladder leading up.

There are two warehouse guards in the next room: one upstairs and one downstairs. Kill the one upstairs first with a silenced weapon so you don’t alert them, then deal with the guard downstairs. The ‘Her Majesty’ pistol can kill each guard with one headshot.
Connect to the CCTV through the security computer near the first guard’s location, flick through the cameras to find Reed, then look at the gate with the camera to unlock it for Reed when he asks.

On your way to the elevator, three guards emerge, but we alerted them and it didn’t lead to any alarms being raised. So feel free to use whatever method you want to get rid of them – stealth or not.
Once they’re dead, ride the elevator and keep walking to find the sniper. Neutralise them, then take control of their sniper’s nest to start the next stealth section with Reed.
How to identify all immediate threats to Reed during You Know My Name in Phantom Liberty
This next sniper section is the hardest to get right, as if you make one wrong move, all of the guards are alerted and you will fail at keeping this a stealth mission.
To help you out if you want a full stealth run, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to identify all immediate threats to Reed:
- Scan the mine directly in front of Reed.
- Scan the guards closest to Reed.
- Scan any camera.
- Scan the container bridge on the left-hand side to find the meeting point.
- Aim at the patrol coming towards Reed.
- Shoot the power box above the red sensor door to open the passage for Reed.
- Shoot the guard on the left when Reed counts to one.
- Aim at the guards coming down in the central elevator.
- Aim at the sniper on the balcony to the elevator’s left, then headshot the sniper.
- Aim at the guard walking towards Reed near the elevator.
- Switch to the third camera and tag the guard blocking Reed’s progress.
- Switch back to the sniper nest and headshot the tagged guard.
- Aim at the guards coming from the container bridge direction.
- Headshot the guard on the left first, then the one in front to deal with the incoming guards.

Once Reed has passed through, you’ll exit the sniper nest view and pull the gun off to keep – and it’s a pretty good one if you’re in need of a decent silenced sniper rifle.
Follow Reed and get changed into your sparkly party clothes, then follow him again to enter the party.
Where to find Songbird during You Know My Name in Phantom Liberty
You can join Reed at the bar immediately if you want to get going with the mission as soon as possible, but we recommend mingling at the gala if you want to meet some old and new acquaintances first.

Once you’re done exploring, go back to Reed at the bar and after speaking with him your objective is to ‘enjoy the party until Songbird makes contact’. If you’ve been around the whole room – top and bottom floors – Songbird should contact you almost immediately. If not, walk around and explore areas you haven’t been to first.
Once she contacts you, you’ll find Songbird on the balcony above where Hansen is sitting.

Correct netrunner roulette choices during You Know My Name in Phantom Liberty
After speaking with Songbird, Reed, and Hansen, go find Reed at the bar. Then, buy some casino chips for your upcoming roulette game. Although you only need to buy 80,000 eddies worth, we recommend purchasing the full 100,000, just incase you make a few bad bets too many.

You can watch Lizzy Wizzy’s performance before speaking with Reed at the bar, but don’t worry if you missed it, as there’s a BD of the show waiting for you back at V’s apartment in Watson when the mission is over.
There are a few different ways to successfully play roulette with the netrunners Aurore and Aymeric, but the choices below are what we picked to leave with 100% scans of the twins, and 40,000 eddies profit.
With that in mind, here’s the correct netrunner roulette choices during You Know My Name:
- Feelin’ lucky about black.
- How’s it going?
- (Buy drinks) What’s your poison?
- Same as the lady.
- Bet on black.
- Conscience ain’t spotless, that’s sure.
- (Bet on red) Seems I interrupted something just now.
- (Bet on black) You’re unique, stick out from the crowd.
- Drink.
- Bet on black.
- Psychoanalysis – hobby of yours?
- Can’t say I know him all that well.
- Bet on red.
- Charmin’ little show.
- Bet on red.
- Owning Dogtown’s one hell of a bargaining tool.
- (Bet on red) Can tell you got somethin’ on the tip of your tongue.
- Have a taste for risk?
- All or nothin’ – whaddaya say?
- V, merc from the Afterlife.
- Black.

As we mentioned above, there are other dialogue paths you can take to getting full scans on both twins while winning money at the roulette table, so you might be able to profit more if you bet on different colours – but this is what safely worked for us.
After the twins leave and you have a small talk with Hansen, go cash out your winnings, then leave the party. You might want to speak with some new partygoers on your way out though, with Lizzy Wizzy having the most significant dialogue. If you’ve worked with her before, Lizzy will even give you an item of headgear if you comment on it.

Once you’ve left the party, all you have to do now is follow the quest to its conclusion in order to complete ‘You Know My Name’.
For more help in Dogtown, check out our pages on how to get all Phantom Liberty endings, Tarot Card locationsand the Voodoo Treasure location.
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