Home NEWS Google turns 25, expresses happiness by celebrating through new Doodle

Google turns 25, expresses happiness by celebrating through new Doodle

New Delhi, Tech Desk. Today i.e. on 27th September, Google is celebrating its 25th birthday, which is very special for it. To make this important moment even better, the company has named today’s Doodle after this day.

Today’s Google The doodle reflects the company’s 25 years of hard work and ups and downs. Even though Google is achieving great success today, its long journey will always be memorable. Let us know about it.

What does a doodle look like?

  • If we talk about today’s doodle, it looks quite simple, in which instead of ‘OO’ you can see 25 written. If you click on it, it will redirect you to a page on which you will get information related to it.
  • Not only this, after scrolling down a little you will find a party popper button, on clicking which colorful papers will appear on the entire screen.

Also read – Google 25th Birthday Special: Google’s journey started from a garage, today it is a top tech company.

when did it start

  • In the late 90s, two like-minded doctoral students met in the computer science program at Stanford University.
  • We are talking about Sergey Brin and Larry Page, who wanted to make the World Wide Web easier and better.
  • In their hostel room, both students started working on the prototype of a new and improved search engine. They started their first office in a rented garage and on September 27, 1998, Google Inc. was born.
  • Many big changes took place

    In these 25 years, Google has seen many small and big changes. Starting from a small garage, today this company is counted among the top tech companies in the world. Let us hope that Google will try to become better in the coming times.

    Also read – If you want to get the best experience of Google AI then this method will help, just follow these steps.

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