Home NEWS Rajasthan BSTC Result 2023 Out: Rajasthan BSTC Result declared, check on panjiakpredeled.in

Rajasthan BSTC Result 2023 Out: Rajasthan BSTC Result declared, check on panjiakpredeled.in

Rajasthan BSTC Result 2023 Out: Rajasthan BSTC Result declared, check on panjiakpredeled.in

Education Desk, New Delhi. Rajasthan BSTC Pre Deled Result 2023: The wait for the candidates wishing to get admission in D.El.Ed courses conducted in various colleges and institutes in Rajasthan is now over. BSTC result has been released. Will go. BSTC Predeled Result has been released by the State Government Education Departmental Examinations Registrar Office, Bikaner on the official website https://panjiyakpredeled.in. Candidates can check it by visiting the portal. To check the result, candidates have to enter their roll number. Candidates can also check the result using their name. Along with the name, students will also have to enter their mother’s name.

Rajasthan BSTC Result 2023: More than 5 lakh candidates are waiting for the result

More than 5 lakh candidates from across the state are waiting for Rajasthan BSTC Result. According to media reports, 5.70 lakh candidates had appeared. The examination was conducted on 28th of August. 200 questions were asked in the exam. For which 600 marks were fixed. The online registration process for Rajasthan BSTC examination started from 10th July 2023, which ended at the end of July itself. A chance was given from August 1 to August 4, 2023 to make online corrections in the examination form. After this, the examination was held from 28th of August.

Rajasthan BSTC Pre DElEd Result 2023: Follow these steps to check Rajasthan PreDElEd Result

First of all candidates go to the official website panjiyakpredeled.in. After this, click on the link of Pre DElEd 2023 Result. Enter your roll number and date of birth. Now as soon as you submit, your result will appear on the screen. Download it and take a print out.

Also read: Rajasthan BSTC Result 2023: How much more time will it take to release Rajasthan Pre D.El.Ed Entrance Result, know

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