Home NEWS Sonipat Murthal toll plaza Police lathicharged villagers. Police used batons on...

Sonipat Murthal toll plaza Police lathicharged villagers. Police used batons on villagers blocking NH-44; Many detained, protesting against tax collection

Sonipat2 days ago

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Police use force to pick up the villagers who were blocking NH-44 at Murthal toll plaza.

The villagers of Murthal created a ruckus at the Bhigan toll plaza located on NH-44 in Sonipat, Haryana. During this time, the villagers protested against the collection of toll tax from them and also raised slogans against the toll management and demanded to make the toll free. After which the villagers sat on strike in the toll plaza lane on NH.

ACP Gorakhpal Rana and police station in-charge Jaspal Singh reached the spot and asked them to move away from the highway, but the villagers did not agree. After which police force had to be used. The police removed the villagers sitting on the NH with batons. At the same time, the police also detained many people. During this, the villagers also raised slogans against the police and administration.

Police chased away the villagers sitting on the middle road at Murthal toll plaza by using sticks.

Police chased away the villagers sitting on the middle road at Murthal toll plaza by using sticks.

A meeting was held with toll management on 24 September
On September 24, the villagers of Murthal had demanded from the toll management to make toll free for 7 nearby villages. On which the villagers were called on 27 September. The villagers reached the toll on Wednesday, but when the toll management officials were not found there, the villagers started raising slogans. As soon as this was found out, police station in-charge Jaspal Singh reached the spot. He tried to convince the people, but they remained adamant on their demands.

Police detaining the protesting villagers.

Police detaining the protesting villagers.

Villagers sitting in the middle of toll when ACP arrived
Meanwhile, ACP Gorakhpal Rana also reached the spot. During this time the villagers tried to create a jam by sitting in the middle of the toll. When the villagers did not heed the police warning, police force had to be used to forcibly remove them. During this time, the police chased the villagers away from there with batons. Also detained many people.

Police force deployed at Murthal toll plaza.

Police force deployed at Murthal toll plaza.

Get the problem resolved by complaining to the authorities
ACP Ganaur Gorakhpal Rana said that the villagers had tried to create a jam. During this time he was warned, but he did not listen. After which he was forcibly taken away. Some people have been detained. Those who block the National Highway and harass people will be dealt with strictly. If there is any problem then complain to the authorities and get action taken.

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