Home CINEMA It is high time Boyapati realises his mistakes

It is high time Boyapati realises his mistakes

Tollywood director Boyapati Srinu is a brand for true-blue mass films in the current era. From the beginning of his career, he has been dishing out high-octane action entertainers laced with over-the-top masala elements. Of late, his formulaic approach to churning out mass films seems to be doing more harm than good for his image. His recent offering Skanda, starring Ram in the lead role, has once again highlighted the flaws in his direction.

After scoring a blockbuster with his debut film Bhadra, Boyapati started redefining mass films in his own style. He slowly inclined towards delivering loud and crude mass feasts. Though he scored big hits with Simha, Legend, and Akhanda, the overdose of violence didn’t receive appreciation from all sections of moviegoers. It is an undeniable fact that these films saw success at the box office because of Balakrishna’s stardom and mass following.

It seems like Boyapati is unable to come out of the mass mania because Skanda is no different attempt. The film is riddled with so many illogical scenes, a heavy dose of bloodbath, and needless political overtones. All these elements acted as liabilities for the film.

It is high time that Boyapati should reassess his filmmaking style if wants to score success with his upcoming films. He already announced sequels for both Akhanda and Skanda. But, there is no clarity on when these films will go on floors. Also, it is unsure if Ram will go ahead with the sequel plans.

Meanwhile, there is a strong buzz that Tamil actor Suriya agreed to do a film with him. So, it remains to be seen if he realises his mistakes and changes his approach at least for upcoming films.

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