Home NEWS Nobel Prize: Nobel to the scientists who have shown the way for...

Nobel Prize: Nobel to the scientists who have shown the way for the preparation of Covid vaccines.

Stockholm: Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissmann have been awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize-2023 for their outstanding work in medicine. This award was announced to them for their innovations in nucleoside base modifications.. for playing a vital role in the development of effective mRNA vaccines (mRNA Vaccine) to combat Covid (Covid 19). To this extent, the Nobel team at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden announced on Monday.

Katalin Kariko from Hungary and Drew Weissman from America conducted research together at the University of Pennsylvania. In their research, they found that when mRNA vaccines are sent into cells in this order, they block the reaction and increase protein production in the body. They also published a paper on this in 2005. Although it was not recognized at that time.. Their researches played a vital role in the development of vaccines during the covid epidemic. Due to their research, two mRNA vaccines were approved by the government in late 2020. The Nobel team revealed that the vaccines not only prevented the spread of the virus but also saved millions of lives.

The awarding of the Nobel Prizes, which started with the medical department, will continue for a week. Winners will be announced in Physics on Tuesday, Chemistry on Wednesday and Literature on Thursday. On Friday, the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize and the Nobel Prize in Economics will be announced on October 9.

Cash prize increased..

The cash prize given to the Nobel Prize winners has been slightly increased this year. Last year, the recipients were given 10 million Swedish kroner in cash, this time it has been increased to 11 million Swedish kroner. The organizers announced that this decision was taken in the context of the falling value of the Swedish currency. These awards will be presented to the recipients on December 10 this year.

It is known that this award is being given to those who have given special services in various fields in the world after the name of Alfred Nobel, who is known as a scientist, engineer and businessman from Sweden. When Alfred Nobel died in 1896, since 1901, these awards have been given annually by his trust.

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