Bihar STET Result 2023, BSEB STET Result: Bihar Board has released the STET result on 4 lakh 28 thousand 387 candidates appeared in Bihar Board STET. Of these, 3 lakh 726 have passed. The overall result was 79 percent. Candidates can check the result by entering their application number, roll number and date of birth. Bihar Board has written only qualified and non-qualified in STET result. Merit list and toppers list have not been released. The state government had ordered not to release the merit list. Bihar Board Chairman Anand Kishore also said in the press conference that now STET exam will be conducted twice a year.
Subject wise number of passed candidates
Hindi – 20712 candidates out of 23418 who appeared in the exam passed. i.e. 88.44 percent pass
English – Out of 14461 candidates who appeared in the exam, 13146 passed. 90.91 percent passed.
Maths – 52447 candidates out of 59367 who appeared for the exam passed. 88.34 percent passed.
Science – 26764 candidates out of 31871 who appeared in the exam passed. 83.98 percent passed.
Social Science – 62696 candidates out of 74354 who appeared in the examination passed. 84.32 percent passed.
Bihar STET Result Direct Link – Bihar STET Result Direct Link
Hindi – Out of 15252 candidates who appeared in the exam, 11936 passed. i.e. 78.26 percent pass
English – 4894 candidates out of 6788 who appeared for the exam passed. 72.10 percent passed.
Maths – 4448 candidates out of 7772 who appeared in the examination passed. 57.23 percent passed.
Physics – 3271 candidates out of 5068 who appeared for the exam passed. 64.54 percent passed.
Chemistry – 2356 candidates out of 4412 who appeared for the exam passed. 53.40 percent passed.
Zoology – 4253 candidates out of 5591 who appeared in the examination passed. 76.07 percent passed.
History – 15077 out of 18836 passed. 80.04 percent passed.
Political Science – 8507 passed out of 9063. 93.87 percent passed.
Computer Science – 10180 out of 19817 passed. 51.37 percent passed.
Sociology – 3742 passes out of 4520. 82.79 percent passed.
Economics – 5794 passes out of 6408. 90.42 percent passed.
Bihar STET Result: How to check STET result
Bihar Board has said that candidates can check their results by visiting Candidates will be able to check the result by their application ID and date of birth. The application ID of the candidates is their user ID and date of birth is the password. Date of birth has to be entered in dd-mm-yyyy format.
Bihar Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test (STET) 2023 was held from September 4 to September 18, 2023. The result of Bihar Board Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test (STET) was prepared using the method of marks normalization. STET exam is conducted by Bihar Board to determine the eligibility of candidates wishing to become teachers in primary and secondary schools. There is Paper-1 for primary teachers and Paper-2 for secondary teachers.
More than four lakh 18 thousand candidates had appeared for Paper-1 and Paper-2 together. The examination was conducted in two shifts every day. Paper-1 (9th and 10th) was conducted in the first shift and Paper-2 (11th and 12th) was conducted in the second shift. This was the first time that examination of 46 subjects was taken simultaneously in STET. It included 17 subjects in Paper-I and 29 subjects in Paper-II.
The results were obtained through normalization. In such online competitive examinations which are conducted on multiple dates and multiple shifts due to large number of candidates, the method of marks normalization is adopted. In this, all the students are brought to one level and their actual rank is determined. After bringing it to one level, the difference between difficult paper/easy paper among students gets eliminated. In STET exam, it is possible that some candidates may find the paper easy and some may find it difficult. To ensure that no candidate is harmed or benefited by this, the board will adopt the marks normalization formula to decide the result.
passing marks
General – 50 percent
Backward Class – 45.5 percent
Extremely Backward Class – 42.5 percent
SC, ST – 40 percent
Disabled – 40 percent
Women – 40 percent
You can check STET result like this
– To check Bihar STET Result 2023, visit
– On the home page of the website you will have to click on the Result link.
– After this click on the link related to BSEB STET Result.
– Enter other details including roll number. Upon submission, your result and score card will appear.