The A Challenge Enigma in Assassin’s Creed Mirage will test your riddle solving skills and your ability with a throwing knife. If you don’t have any knives in your inventory, we recommend stocking up on some as it can take a few attempts to get the knife in the right place later on.
Enigmas are riddles and puzzles dotted all around Baghdad in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. If you can solve them, rewards such as outfit dyes and talismans await you. However, most enigmas require a bit of detective work to figure them out.
Without further ado, we’re here to show you how to solve the A Challenge Enigma in Assassin’s Creed Mirage.
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A Challenge Enigma location in Assassin’s Creed Mirage
The location of the A Challenge enigma in Assassin’s Creed Mirage can be found on the balcony of a house in Yasiriyah in Abbasiyah.
The house is south west of the Scriptorium and south east of the House of Wisdom. We’ve marked its exact location on the maps below for you.

When you get to the location marked on the map above, look around for the house that looks like this:

When you think you’ve found the house, activate Eagle Vision and look up at the balcony to highlight the enigma scroll location. Climb up onto the balcony and grab it.

How to access the Enigma
To access the enigma, head into your inventory and then select your ‘bag’ option. Then, on the right side of your screen, you can scroll down until you come to a section called ‘Enigmas’. Here, you can view all of the enigmas you have collected and are yet to solve.
You can click on one to read it or view the clue it provides. Once you find an enigma’s treasure, the clue will disappear from your inventory.
A Challenge Enigma solution in Assassin’s Creed Mirage
The reward for solving the A Challenge enigma in Assassin’s Creed Mirage can be inside a building east of the Observatory in Yasiriyah in Abbisiyah.
The building can be found to the north of the Scriptorium, south of the Gate of Tahir and south west of the Soap Boiler’s District. We’ve marked its location on the maps below for you:

When you get to the area indicated on the map above you should see a large water wheel working on the side of a building.
Climb up the side of this building on the side the water wheel is on and you should find a window that is blocked by two bars. Walk up to it.

Look through the window and activate your Eagle Vision, then look inside to your left. You should see a red lock being highlighted on a small window here. You need to break this lock to get inside the building.

Use a throwing knife and aim it at the red lock here. There’s a single knife to be collected outside of this window if you need one. Once you hit the lock, the window behind the lock will open. Head around to where the newly opened window is and climb inside the building.

Drop down to the ground floor of the building and you will find your reward directly opposite the window you just climbed through.

The reward for solving the A Challenge enigma is the Black Rostam outfit dye.
That’s it for now! If you’re looking for more enigma help for Assassin’s Creed Mirage, check out our Find What I Stole solution or our Left Behind enigma solution. Also, you could check out our Harbiyah Upper Harbor Gear Chest puzzle explainer as well.
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