Home CINEMA Did the ground floor rise Dadi: Mokshagna

Did the ground floor rise Dadi: Mokshagna


A word Balayya said while praising the heroine Srileela has now gone viral. “Bhagwant Kesari” movie trailer launch event was held in Warangal. Balayya praised Srileela on stage there. In this movie, she acted as a girl who is the daughter of Balayya.

Srilila tortured me by calling me Chicha (Baboy) Chicha. I told Srili that we will act as hero and heroine in the next film. I told my wife and my son at home that I said this to Srili. That’s it… Mokshajna responded sharply. I’m going to be a hero. How about you give her an offer? He said, did you have the ground floor, daddy,” said Balayya amidst laughter.

It is good for a Telugu girl to rise to greatness, compliments Srileelani. He also confirmed that his son is going to be a hero.

“Bhagwant Kesari” will release in theaters on 19th of this month.

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