Home CINEMA Chandrababu Naidu Lost 5 KGs, In Risk: Nara Brahmani

Chandrababu Naidu Lost 5 KGs, In Risk: Nara Brahmani

Nara-Brahmani-Chandrababu-NaiduThe way the YCP government grossly mishandled the arrest of TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu has invited a lot of public agitation and protest. Now, there are concerns about the well-being of CBN in the Rajahmundry jail.

The other day, there were reports that CBN is suffering from a bad skin condition and also dehydration. A government medical team provided medical care to him last night.

In this context, Nara Brahmani has shared a striking and thought-provoking tweet as she pointed out the unsanitary conditions that CBN is having to face inside the jail.

“Heartbreaking. Chandrababu garu is currently detained in inadequate and unsanitary prison conditions that pose a considerable risk to his health. Urgent medical attention is required, as medical professionals have raised concerns about his well-being.”

“Timely medical care is not being provided. He has lost 5 kg, and additional weight loss could adversely impact his kidneys. We’re deeply worried about him.” Brahmani tweeted about CBN. The fact that this comes from Brahmani adds a lot of weight and public sympathy to the issue.

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