Home NEWS Prayers and protests for Palestine resonate in Hyderabad

Prayers and protests for Palestine resonate in Hyderabad

Protestors hold placards and raise slogans against the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.
| Photo Credit: Arrangement

Supplications beseeching the Almighty to end the Israel-Hamas warand prayers for the Palestine resonated across the prayers halls of mosques across Hyderabad, even as police stepped up vigil on Friday.

In other parts of the city, at certain locations including Raj Bhavan Road, flags of Israel were placed on the road with a few pedestrians walking over them.

Several young men and women, carrying banners expressing solidarity with Palestine, gathered near the Ambedkar Statue near the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation headquarters at Tank Bund. Protesters held signs which read: “Long Live Palestine” and “Gaza Will Never Die”. The protesters belonged to the Disha Students Organisation and the Naujawan Bharat Sabha. However, a few minutes into their protest, police reached the spot and detained the protesters. They were then taken to the Saifabad Police Station.

The prayers in masjids followed religious and socio-religious organisations, such as the Jamiat Ulama Telangana Andhra Pradesh, issuing an appeal to masjid managing committees that khateebs during sermons expound on the importance of Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem. Such prayers were organised in several mosques across the city, including at the prominent Jama Masjid Darul Shifa. A congregational dua (supplication) was made for the alleviation of the suffering of Palestine, and of the residents of the besieged Gaza Strip.

Anticipating protests, police beefed up security near Charminar, given that it is in close proximity to the historic Mecca Masjid. However, those who were present at the scene said that no such protest took place.

Since the Israel-Hamas war erupted, netizens have been taking to social media platforms, including X, formerly Twitter, to post messages of solidarity with Palestine, and to discuss the ongoing humanitarian crisis.

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