Bhagwant Kesari is the latest mass action emotional movie directed by young director Anil Ravipudi starring Natasinham Nandamuri Balakrishna as the hero. In this movie, Kajal will play the heroine and Srileela will be seen as Balakrishna’s daughter. Produced by Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi under Shine Screens banner, Thaman has composed music for this movie. The makers held a press meet in Hyderabad today regarding this movie which will be released in front of the audience in a grand way on October 19.
Director Anil Ravipudi said on this occasion that he especially thanked each and every technician and artist who worked for our film. Balakrishna said that it was a great emotional ride, and both Srileela and Srileela were thrilled with their performances. He said that he is especially thankful to Balakrishna, who is always interested in making films with new concepts, for making a film with me. He said that this will be a great milestone movie in Srileela’s career. For Bhagwant Kesari, the producers Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi have not compromised anywhere, they have definitely asked them to dance in the success meet.
He said that even if it is a block like emotional and action, Thaman will give a wonderful RR and also the background score for this movie is amazing. Anil Ravipudi especially thanked Arjun Rampal who is entering Tollywood as an actor through this movie. Anil also expressed his best wishes for Leo and Tiger Nageswara Rao’s films which are releasing along with their film.