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We Are Ready To Fight

Indian Origin Man in Israel

In a recent interview conducted by NDTV, Samson, an Indian Jew who moved to Israel from India in 1966, shared his experiences of living amidst terror and adversity. His narrative sheds light on the challenges faced by his community and their unwavering determination to stand firm in the face of danger.

Living in a country marred by conflict, Samson acknowledged the complexities of their situation, describing Israel as a “very good country” but also highlighting the harsh realities of their daily lives. “Its hard to live here. It’s a very good country but hard to live here.”

Samson, who was merely seven years old when he moved to Israel, expressed his disbelief in humanity. Asking questions from the world, he referred to the gruesome incident involving a pregnant woman in South Israel, where Hamas terrorists dissected her body. The brutality of the act, with the unborn child left to die slowly outside his mother’s womb, left Samson visibly disturbed. His words reflect the profound impact such acts of terror have on the psyche of the people living in the region.He added in frustration, how he couldn’t believe that one day “somebody would take a knife and kill children”.

Despite the difficulties, when asked if he would have preferred to live somewhere else after witnessing the death of so many people, he vehemently denied, stating it is his country.

Samson’s account serves as a stark reminder of the human cost of conflict and the resilience of those who endure it. Questioned about the fear they must feel, he emphasized their collective bravery, stating in broken hindi, “We are ready to fight.”

As the world listens to the words of survivors like Samson, it becomes imperative for global communities to come together in pursuit of peace, understanding, and empathy. Only through collective efforts and unwavering determination can the cycle of violence be broken. After all, in the end we all know the answer already when Samson asked if this is the world we want to live.

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