Home CINEMA Amazon To Fire Employees If Not Coming To Office!

Amazon To Fire Employees If Not Coming To Office!

With the Covid fear nullified, tech giants have started to impose strict guidelines to employees to return to offices.

In this context, Amazon has started to impose a stern policy where they’ve asked employees to come to their offices three times a week without exceptions.

The company has asked managers to effectively fire employees if they aren’t complying with the regulations of coming back to offices at least three times a week.

If the employees don’t abide by this rule, then there will be a three step procedure.

The first step is for managers to have private conversations with the employees regarding the return to offices mandate.

Then there will be a follow up measure where the employees will be sent e-mails by the managers to enforce the return to office mandate.

If these don’t work with certain employees, there will be disciplinary actions and the final step will be where the concerned person will be fired by the company.

The process of Amazon calling back employees to offices started in February and it is being imposed in the strongest possible manner now.

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