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Why should you eat ghee and jaggery after meals

Ghee and jaggery are an inseparable part of Indian cuisine, but do you know what happens when you consume these two potent ingredients together? Here’s all you need to know about the benefits of consuming ghee and jaggery together.
Why ghee and jaggery?
As per Ayurveda, ghee and jaggery are believed to be sattvik and consuming this mixture after meals can help in balancing doshas and can boost immunity naturally. Apart from that, consuming a mixture of ghee and jaggery after meals can improve metabolism and relieve constipation.
Balanced nutrition
Ghee is a rich source of healthy fats, while jaggery provides natural sugars, along with some vitamins and minerals. Combining the two can help achieve a balanced nutritional profile in a meal or snack.

Quick energy
Jaggery contains natural sugars like sucrose, which can provide a quick source of energy. Ghee, with its healthy fats, helps slow down the absorption of sugars, preventing a rapid spike in blood sugar levels.
Digestive benefits
Ghee is considered to be easy to digest and can aid in the digestion of other foods. When taken with jaggery, it can help reduce any digestive discomfort that might be associated with consuming jaggery alone.


Iron Absorption
Jaggery is a source of iron, and consuming it with ghee may help improve iron absorption in the body. The healthy fats in ghee can aid in the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients, including certain minerals like iron.
In a nutshell, it can be concluded that consuming this mixture can help in improving overall health, but consuming in excess may lead to weight gain and boost calorie intake. Thus, it is best to consume just a small amount of after meals to repa the benefits.

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