The Central Selection Board of Constables (CSBC) is likely to announce revised dates of the Bihar Police Constable recruitment examination soon. Originally, these exams were scheduled for October 1, 7 and 15 but only the October 1 exams were held and later cancelled.

CBSE said that during both shifts held on October 1, a large number of candidates were found cheating after which both shifts held on that they were cancelled. Further,exams scheduled for October 7 and 15 have been postponed until further notice.
New dates for all these exams will be announced separately on the board’s website and through newspapers, it said.
Admit cards of the exam were issued previously but whether the same will be valid on new dates or not is not clear yet. The board is expected to share more details in this regard in due course of time.
This recruitment drive will fill a total of 21,391 Constable vacancies in Bihar Police.