Home NEWS Trees felled for Formula-E racing event

Trees felled for Formula-E racing event

The tree stumps at Prasad’s multiplex, near the State Secretariat, in Hyderabad.
| Photo Credit: G RAMAKRISHNA

Two tree stumps standing in the margins of the road opposite to the Prasad’s multiplex near the State Secretariat herald the return of the much-publicised international sporting event.

Formula-E, the motorsport championship for electric cars, which was introduced to Hyderabad for the first time in February this year, is here yet again, to be conducted on February 10, 2024.

Eerily enough, the event, which was preceded by a furore about removal of scores of trees for laying of the racing track last year, is set to follow a similar occurrence this time round too.

Last year in November, HMDA removed a total 206 trees to facilitate the track, the galleries and other facilities needed for the race, which passed via NTR Marg and Prasad’s in a loop. The removed trees included Golden Trumpets planted on the road median, which provided a resplendent view when in full inflorescence. Their removal earned severe castigation by environmental groups and general public.

However, the trees were not felled last time, but translocated to parks close by. A total 125 trees were replanted in Sanjeevaiah Park, and 81 in NTR Garden, as per the information shared by HMDA officials then.

This time round, the two trees were chopped off, with no intention of translocation. Enquiries with the Forest Department, if the felling had the sanction of the tree protection committee, yielded no response.

Metropolitan Commissioner and special chief secretary Arvind Kumar said the track was being prepared for the Indian Racing League’s Formula 4 racing event to be held on November 4 & 5, and that only one tree was felled by the agency’s workers without the knowledge of HMDA staff. IRL races are conducted as a prelude to the upcoming big ticket event.

Mr. Arvind Kumar said the excavator vehicle used for felling the tree will be seized and action will be taken against those responsible. He further assured that the tree stump will be translocated.

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