Ramps, wheelchairs and volunteers would be available for persons with disabilities going to the polling booth.
| Photo Credit: SANTOSHSAGAR
Exercise of franchise is getting a lot better for super senior citizens and persons with disabilities this time round. Not only would they be able to avoid travel to and from the polling stations, and long queues, they can also cast their vote at their homes.
Senior citizens and persons with disabilities in the city, who requested for home voting facility will have the whole set up of polling station move to their homes.
This includes Electronic Voting Machines, VVPATs, polling officers, and a videographer too!
“As per the directions from the Election Commission of India, we will give a schedule, visit their house and will have the whole polling station set up, including the cover for voting. Political party agents also will be present, and the videographer too will be there,” informed Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation’s Commissioner and District Election Officer D. Ronald Rose.
As a preparatory measure, booth level officers (BLOs) are visiting the homes of the senior citizens above 80 years of age, and persons with disabilities, to find out if they would like to avail themselves of the home voting facility.
As on Friday, the BLOs have distributed the Form 12D to a total 1,07,751 voters who wish to avail of the facility. Of these, 83,558 are senior citizens above 80 years of age, while 24,163 are the persons with disabilities. There is a caveat to the facility though.
“Once they have opted for home voting, we will put them for postal ballot in the rolls, so they cannot change their mind later and come to the polling station,” informed Mr. Ronald Rose.
For the senior citizens and the disabled opting to visit the polling stations instead, facilities such as ramps, drinking water, shades, waiting area, and toilets will be provided. Volunteers with wheel chairs will assist the senior citizens wherever necessary, while a companion will be allowed inside the booth for blind and infirm voters, Mr. Ronald Rose said.