It is known that he got another good hit in his career with the latest film “Tiger Nageswara Rao” starring Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja as the hero. Also, after the release of this film, another huge film is coming from Ravi Teja within a gap of a few months. That movie is “Eagle”. The film, which is being directed by young director Karthik Ghattamane, is also being shot with heavy action elements and the makers said that they are giving an update on the teaser release yesterday.
And now they reveal its taluk date and time. With this, it has been confirmed that the teaser of this film will be revealed on November 6 at 10:44 am. And let’s see how this solid teaser cut will be. And while Anupama is acting as the heroine in this film, it is being produced by People Media Factory.
Get ready!????????
The much-awaited #EAGLETeaser will be out TOMORROW at 10:44 AM! ????@RaviTeja_offl @Karthik_gatta @vishwaprasadtg @vivekkuchibotla@KavyaThapar @anupamahere@pnavdeep26 @VinayRai1809@davzandrockz @manibkaranam@Sri_Avasarala@sujithkolli @Srinagendra_Art…
— People Media Factory (@peoplemediafcy) November 5, 2023