Renowned Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan recently graced the screen in the blockbuster film Jawan, helmed by director Atlee Kumar. This box office sensation has now made its OTT debut on Netflix in Hindi, Telugu, and Tamil.
In an unexpected turn of events, the Telugu film MAD, which recently joined Netflix’s catalog, has outperformed the Tamil and Telugu versions of Jawan and secured the 2nd position since its release. This remarkable achievement by a smaller Telugu film in Netflix’s charts over the past two days is quite surprising. However, it’s worth noting that the Hindi version of Jawan continues to dominate the list.
MAD is a vibrant college drama directed by Kalyan Shankar, featuring a talented cast including Narne Nithin, Ram Nithin, Sangeeth Sobhan, Sri Gouri Priya Reddy, Ananthika Sanilkumar, Gopika Udyaan, Vishnu Oi, and others in significant roles. Stay tuned for more captivating stories.
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