Actor Dayanand Shetty, of the TV series CID fame, recently took delivery of a brand-new Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650 on the auspicious occasion of Dhanteras. The actor took to social media to share a video of him taking delivery of his new bike, finished in a shade of Astral Blue. The Super Meteor 650 was first launched in India in January 2023, with prices starting at Rs 3.54 lakh (ex-showroom, India).
Also Read: Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650 Review: Take It Easy!
The Super Meteor 650 is offered in three variants – Astral, Interstellar and Celestial
The Royal Enfield Meteor 650 boasts of a quintessential retro cruiser design with an upright riding position, a tear-drop shaped fuel tank, a chunky fender for the rear tyre, a circular LED headlight (a first for any RE motorcycle), a round taillight, an old-school two-piece scalloped seat with no grabrails and twin-exhaust setup which is prominently positioned.
Powering the Super Meteor 650 is the same 648 cc parallel-twin oil/air-cooled engine mated to a six-speed gearbox. The engine belts out 47 bhp at 7,250 rpm and peak torque output of 52.3 Nm at 5,650 rpm, similar to what the parallel-twin engine delivers in the Interceptor 650 and Continental GT 650.
The Super Meteor 650 is powered by a 648 cc parallel-twin oil/air-cooled engine
Moreover, the motorcycle gets 43 mm upside-down forks with 120 mm travel up front, which is again a first for any RE motorcycle and twin shock absorbers at the rear, with 101 mm of travel. There is a 19-inch wheel up front and a 16-inch wheel at the rear. As for the brakes, it gets a single 320 mm disc up front with a two-piston caliper, while the rear gets a 300 mm disc. Dual-channel ABS is offered as standard fitment.
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Dayanand Shetty debuted in 1996 and is best known for his role as senior inspector Daya in India’s longest-running television police show, CID. Moreover, he is also quite a famous actor in Bollywood and has played the role of a cop in movies such as Singham Returns and more.