Home CINEMA ‘Jagan Involved In Rs 120 Cr Scam’

‘Jagan Involved In Rs 120 Cr Scam’

JanaSena has been going really hard against the alleged scams done by the Jagan government. Nadendla Manohar recently alleged that the Jagan government is involved in a Rs 2887 crore scam regarding the Jagananna Paala Velluva scheme, where they falsely claimed to procure cows and kickstart milk production in AP and spent government money, without any progress in the scheme.

Now, Nadendla Manohar has made another scathing allegation against the Jagan government as the party stated that the corruption in Mamayya Kanuka scheme has resulted in the diversion of Rs 120 crores of government funds.

The allegation is that the Jagan government gave contracts to 5 companies based in Uttar Pradesh and Delhi for manufacturing of school supplies for students in AP. JSP stated that these 5 companies cam under the Enforcement Directorate’s radar and the investigating agency has identified that a scam in upwards of Rs 120 crores is unearthed in the same.

The main complaint from JSP is that the government of AP has placed a purchase order for 42 lakh students in the state, but statistically, there are only 35 lakh government school going kids in the state.

While the Jagan government is busy alleging skill scam, sand, liquor, fiber grid, and inner ring road scams against CBN and Lokesh, the government’s own scams are now being highlighted by JSP and BJP.

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