Home NEWS Coalition politics to assume centre stage after 2024 LS polls, says KCR

Coalition politics to assume centre stage after 2024 LS polls, says KCR

BRS president K. Chandrasekhar Rao at an election rally held at Bodhan on Wednesday.

BRS president K. Chandrasekhar Rao at an election rally held at Bodhan on Wednesday.
| Photo Credit: K.V. Ramana


Coalition politics would assume the centre stage in the country after the 2024 elections to Parliament (Lok Sabha) as the strength of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Congress would diminish, Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) president and Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao said addressing an election rally at Nizamabad on Wednesday.

He alleged that the two national parties were practising the politics of vendetta in the matter of development by denying programmes, schemes and institutions. Citing the example of Telangana, he stated that the BJP Government at the Centre had not given even one medical college to the State out of 157 sanctioned to States from 2014. Also, it had also not given even one Navodaya School to Telangana although the Act clearly specifies that every district be given one such school.

Asking the people to support BRS not only in the Assembly elections but also in Lok Sabha elections in April-May next, he said winning all seats would give the party the bargaining capacity to protect the State’s interests better. He also appealed to the people of Nizamabad Urban constituency to support B. Ganesh Gupta as it had been the sentiment that the party that wins the seat would form the government in the State.

Turning to the Congress, he explained that it was the party which had forcibly merged Telangana with Andhra against the wishes of people and the combined Andhra Pradesh rulers had heaped injustice to the region in the matter of drinking water, irrigation, employment and other resources. After formation of the State, Telangana was at the 19th position in the country in the matter of per capita income and today it was at the top with over ₹3.08 lakh per capita income.

He also accused the Congress of deceiving the Muslim community all along and said the party had used the community only as a vote bank. He mentioned that it was during the Congress rule the Babri mosque was demolished.

Speaking at Bodhan earlier, he said the example of the BRS Government’s refusal to install meters to farm pump-sets even at the cost of giving up ₹5,000 crore per year additional borrowing limit under the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act provisions was an indication of its unwavering commitment toward the farming community. He also urged the people to compare how their villages and towns were till 2014 and how they were now.

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