Home CINEMA AP CID Used Fake Forensic Audit?

AP CID Used Fake Forensic Audit?

Supreme Court Senior Advocate Sidharth Luthra

It is known that Chandrababu Naidu’s regular bail petition came to a hearing at the AP High Court the other day. The judgment on the same has been kept in reserve and will be announced soon(date not mentioned by the court).

Coming to the topic, Naidu’s lawyers argued that a fake forensic audit was used to strengthen the case against Chandrababu Naidu.

“The AP government and AP CID never held a full forensic audit on the hardware and software facilities at the skill centers. They commissioned Sharath Associates firm for it and they fabricated the audit report. The firm never audited the actual stock at the skill centers. But the CID never cross-checked this fake report and based their case on the same. This itself shows their intention” Naidu’s lawyers Luthra and Dammalapati Srinivas argued.

Naidu’s counsel added that the AAG of the AP government, Ponnavolu is intentionally hiding some facts of the case for the gains of AP CID in this case. They mentioned that the AAG can be reported to the bar council for conscious fabrication but they’re refraining from the same.

They argued that all the data regarding the case is already with AP CID and there is no reason to keep CBN in remand. They requested the court to verify the facts and the medical reports submitted and grant the regular bail to Naidu.

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