Shah Rukh Khan – Nayantara starrer Bollywood film Jawaan, director Atlee Kumar’s name became a buzz at the Indian box office. Jaawan created a tsunami of movie collections on a massive scale. However, recently expressing his interest in film production, Atlee has revealed that he is going to produce 4 films under his ‘A for Apple Studios’ banner. Atlee is going to make a Bollywood remake of ‘Theri’ in his production. Also, Atlee is planning to produce one film in Telugu and two Tamil films as well.
And Atlee focused on the film after him. Meanwhile, Atlee shocked him by saying that he got a call from Hollywood. Director Atlee said in an interview about this.. “I can do a Spanish film. They (Hollywood people) called me and asked if you want to work in Hollywood. They liked the movie Jawaan very much. Moreover, I wondered if I had never seen such a movie (Jawaan) before. I thought this idea would only work for us. But it is also working out globally,” Attlee comments.