Home NEWS Dress the Turkey 2023 winners say happy Thanksgiving, preheat the oven

Dress the Turkey 2023 winners say happy Thanksgiving, preheat the oven

It’s a Thanksgiving tradition as old as, well, as old as a 35-year-old man. The Enquirer’s 35th annual Dress the Turkey contestpresented by Cincinnati Art Museum, is all wrapped up in foil and out of the oven.

Artists of Cincinnati, young and old, have been designing, scribbling and submitting these beautiful birds since October, and the folks at The Enquirer have to note that picking winners was VERY hard this year. This city is flush with creative, talented (sometimes very quirky) people, and this competition is a yearly reminder of that.

So, without further gobbling, here are your 2023 winners. Four folks will take home $100 each. We have an overall winner and winners in three age groups, 12 and under, 13-20 and 21 and up. Let’s dig in.

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