Home NEWS Stalemate continues over Krishna River waters sharing between Andhra Pradesh and Telangana

Stalemate continues over Krishna River waters sharing between Andhra Pradesh and Telangana

Andhra Pradesh Chief Secretary K.S. Jawahar Reddy attended a virtual meeting conducted by Debashree Mukherji, Secretary, Ministry of Jal Sakti, on December 2 from New Delhi, in which Telangana Chief Secretary did not participate.

Andhra Pradesh Chief Secretary K.S. Jawahar Reddy attended a virtual meeting conducted by Debashree Mukherji, Secretary, Ministry of Jal Sakti, on December 2 from New Delhi, in which Telangana Chief Secretary did not participate.
| Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

With the stalemate on the Nagarjunasagar Project (NSP) site continuing, the Andhra Pradesh Government, has agreed for two requests made by the Union Ministry of Jal Sakti (MoJS) to stop water releases as a good gesture till Krishna River Management Board (KRMB) takes a decision on the indent placed by Andhra Pradesh on December 4 and the proposal to meet on December 6 at Delhi to discuss all the issues.

These decisions were taken in a virtual meeting held by Debashree Mukherji, Secretary, MoJS on December 2 with the Chief Secretaries of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States for resolving the dispute over the sharing of Krishna river waters, in the wake of Andhra Pradesh government taking possession of its ‘legitimate’ territory on the NSP, a couple of days back.

From Andhra Pradesh, Chief Secretary K.S. Jawahar Reddy attended whereas his Telangana counterpart was not present.

Meanwhile, Mr. Jawahar Reddy explained in detail the issue and the use of water at Srisailam Project for power production by Telangana and collecting the same at NSP so as to maintain complete control of water releases from NSP on both sides to their advantage denying the legitimate agreed share of water to Andhra Pradesh.

The Chief Secretary requested Ms. Debashree Mukherji to give directions to the Chairman, KRMB to shift KRMB headquarters from Hyderabad to Visakhapatnam as early as possible, as suitable accommodation is kept ready for which the Secretary, MoJS agreed.

The Chief Secretary explained the historic injustice done to Andhra Pradesh, as the control of facilities on the left bank in Srisailam Project were taken over by the State of Telangana although Srisailam Project is supposed to be under the control of Chief Engineer, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh.

Even all the offtakes on the right bank of NSP located in the territory of AP and left bank are taken under the control of the State of Telangana, Mr. Jawahar Reddy maintained.

He said that the State government had requested Telangana for release of water through the right main canal which caters to the exclusive needs in Andhra Pradesh.

The Chief Secretary explained that the Telangana has mala-fide intentions to draw water exclusively for power generation through left power house of Srisailam without proper indent and release orders to store the same in NSP wherein they have full control of all the offtakes and this does facilitate required build up level in Srisailam, for AP to draw water.

The Chief Secretary informed that the control on the facilities located on the right bank in AP territory were taken and assured that it will be operated as per the release orders of KRMB from time to time.

The presence of Andhra Pradesh police will continue to ensure law and order at the project site till a decision is taken on implementation of notification of the Government of India on the jurisdiction of KRMB.

It is clarified that the GoAP have issued orders expressing its willingness to handover the control of identified offtakes to KRMB whereas GoTS refused to do so.

Meanwhile an indent is placed for release of 5 TMC of water from legally agreed allocated share of Andhra Pradesh through Right Main Canal of NSP to meet the exigency of drinking water needs.

The Chief Secretary further added that on the request of the Secretary, MoJS to stop water releases as a good gesture till KRMB takes a decision on the indent placed by Andhra Pradesh on December 4, was agreed upon.

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