Honda Cars India has released the monthly sales numbers for November 2023. In the month, the automaker sold a total of 11,891 units, out of which 8,730 were sold domestically, marking a growth of 24 per cent as compared to the same month last year. The brand also witnessed a significant growth of over 335 per cent in export numbers, with 3,161 units being exported during the same period. In the corresponding period last year, the company sold 7,051 units domestically and exported 726 units.
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Exports accounted for 3,161 units.
When comparing the sales figures of November 2023 with the previous month – where the brand sold 13,083 units – there is a month-over-month decline in sales of about 9.1 per cent. Moreover, Honda witnessed a 7 per cent month-over-month decline in its domestic sales in November 2023, as the brand sold 670 units more in October 2023.
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The brand witnessed a 7 per cent decline in domestic sales over the previous month.
Commenting on the November 2023 sales performance, Yuichi Murata, Director, Marketing and Sales, Honda Cars India Ltd, said, “Our product line-up saw a good surge in demand throughout the festive period. Our new SUV, the Honda Elevate, has been well received by the market with very high customer consideration. We are confident that we can carry forward this growth momentum for the rest of the year.”
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