Will the upper hand in the states be strong at the Centre? As the election numbers say…
![INDIA-POLITICS-ELECTION A shopkeeper poses as he holds masks of Indian Congress Party President Rahul Gandhi and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi displayed for sale at a roadside shop in Chennai on March 14, 2019. India is not just the world's biggest democracy, its elections are also the most gruelling -- with nearly six weeks between the first round of voting on April 11 and the last. (Photo by ARUN SANKAR / AFP)](https://img-mm.manoramaonline.com/content/dam/mm/mo/config-assets/mo-default.jpg)
A trader stands with masks of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi. (Photo by ARUN SANKAR / AFP)
Only hours are left to know who will cry and who will laugh when the ballot boxes are opened. There are various assessments that the elections held for 5 states are the semi-final and rehearsal for the Lok Sabha elections to be held early next year. Those who win assembly elections will say that it is an indication for the Lok Sabha elections, and those who lose will say that there is no connection between the two elections, which is nonsense. But the confidence it gives in 2024 will be huge for those who win the assembly elections. The two main political parties of the country, the Congress and the BJP, are the major players in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. December 3 will decide whether the Congress ruling Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh will retain it or the BJP will capture it. Congress and BJP are claiming to retain Madhya Pradesh and capture it. Congress is the party expected to rule in Telangana and Mizoram. Since the results of the exit polls came out on November 30, the leaders and activists are anxious.
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