Home CINEMA Clarity on Mass Maharaj 'Animal' actress combination.! |

Clarity on Mass Maharaj 'Animal' actress combination.! |

Clarity on Mass Maharaj 'Animal' actress combination.!  |

Clarity on Mass Maharaj 'Animal' actress combination.!  |

At present, mass maharaja Ravi Teja is well known for his crazy action project “Eagle” in the combination of director Karthik Ghattamanane. And the first single from this film was also released yesterday and this song is getting a good response. But after this film, a buzz on Mas Maharaj's line-up went viral.

Some rumors have started spreading saying that the young actress Tripti who caught everyone's attention by appearing in the recent Bollywood hit movie “Animal” will act opposite Ravi Teja. But now the truth about this combination is known. There is no truth in this news. It is clear that there was no discussion on this combination except that all these were just deliberately spread news. With this, there is no truth in the news.

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