Home NEWS Daily Horoscope: December 6, 2023

Daily Horoscope: December 6, 2023

We might feel a little loopy and spaced out as the moon in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces at 1:17 AM, before the dreamy planet turns direct at 8:20 AM. The station direct (astrology lingo for ending a retrograde) is a transition period when we’re reorienting our capacity for daydreaming and imagination, without getting swept away by the tides of escapism and illusions. Be mindful of distractions now, and use your discernment!We’re mentally focused and looking for ways to sustain our efforts as the moon aligns with Pluto in Capricorn at 8:50  AM. The moon enters balance-seeking Libra at 11:35 AM and clashes with Mercury in Capricorn at 11:00 PM, encouraging us to conserve energy for what really matters. It’s best to rise above pettiness now.All times ET.Read your monthly horoscope for December!Stay in the cosmic loop with the VICE horoscopes newsletter. Get horoscopes straight to your inbox when you sign up here!

Aries glyph

Aries: March 20, 2023 – April 20, 2023

You might experience a shift in preferences and priorities as Neptune in Pisces turns direct, inviting you to release limiting perspectives and beliefs about money and what’s considered worthwhile. Something that’s been too overwhelming to address head-on could feel less intimidating in the coming days. Be mindful about a scarcity mindset and the way it influences your financial decisions. Discussions about shared investments or divisions of time, energy, and resources arise with partners as the moon enters Libra and clashes with Mercury in Capricorn.

Taurus glyphs

Taurus: April 20, 2023 – May 21, 2023

Staying connected with friends and others in your social circle can feel easier over the coming days as Neptune in Pisces turns direct. If you or a friend has ghosted one another in the last five months, one of you might decide to get back in touch and repair or make up for lost time. Either way, once the dust from the station direct settles, a sense of cohesion and trust could reunite you with the circles or people you’ve missed connecting with.

Gemini glyph

Gemini: May 21, 2023 – June 21, 2023

News that sounds too good to be true could arrive, promising a career opportunity or status change as Neptune in Pisces turns direct. As Neptune is the planet of illusions and grandeur, there might be some exaggerated offers or promises that can’t be kept now—but a transformation actually is taking place. Not all that shines and sparkles is what it seems to be, so be mindful about anyone, including yourself, idealizing a position, job, or project that sounds like the perfect dream. You might feel a little lost or unsure about the direction of your life, possibly even grappling with imposter syndrome, but the fog will clear soon and you’ll remember how to discern your intuition from fear and the inner critic’s voice!

Cancer glyph

Cancer: June 21, 2023 – July 22, 2023

Neptune in Pisces ends its retrograde, turning up the dial on your longing to travel, be free, or be somewhere else. Note that “somewhere” could also be in a different period of time (a “better” time or “the good times”). Your hopes and dreams can call out to you like the songs of sirens now, inclining you to idealize the future or believe that contentment won’t transpire until you’ve reached your goals. Rest assured, dear Cancer, once the fog of this direct station fades, you’ll feel a stronger connection to the dreams that are meant for you without the added illusion that the destination is more valuable than the journey.

Leo glyph

Leo: July 22, 2023 – August 23, 2023

Neptune in Pisces ends its retrograde, kicking up a bit of dust in your partnerships and stirring confusion around shared finances and responsibilities. Not to worry, Leo: The anxiety and foggy feelings will start to dissipate over the coming days, returning you to your sense of autonomy and capacity for navigating such charged topics! It’s an opportune time to think about ways you want to give back and relieve yourself from debts, as well as how you’ll invest in the legacy you’re building.

Virgo glyph

Virgo: August 23, 2023 – September 23, 2023

Neptune in Pisces turns direct, inspiring a new approach to the way you show up in your relationships. The station direct does come with some initial disorientation, though, so keep this in mind if you begin to question your intuition or your sense of what is right and wrong. If you’ve been making sacrifices for others to the point of martyrdom, this transit could point to confusion and grappling with the meaning of things. The boundaries of partnerships and your closest relationships might benefit from more discernment at this time, and over the coming days, the haze (or perhaps guilt) that invades and hijacks your interpretation of these exchanges will begin to fade.

Libra glyph

Libra: September 23, 2023 – October 23, 2023

An opportunity to free yourself from a haze or messy motion through your daily routines and rituals can arrive as Neptune in Pisces turns direct. The direct station does come with some disorientation as the planet of daydreams and wandering begins to find its way forward again, encouraging you to be mindful of distractions and side quests that could throw off your rhythm, stealing valuable time and energy that takes resources and momentum to save up or replace. A recalibration of health routines and rituals is worth your attention now and a sense of order and consistency will return in the coming days.

Scorpio glyph

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 – November 22, 2023

Neptune in Pisces turns direct, enveloping you in a dreamy state of inspiration or clouding your vision with a sense of invasive hyper-vigilance and insecurity. Skepticism and projection could stir up intense feelings in your partnerships now, so be mindful that not all is what it seems during this transit. As the planet of fantasy and illusions, Neptune’s “about face” comes with a temporary period of disorientation or disconnect with your intuition, though your capacity to relate and impress in profoundly moving ways will feel renewed over the coming days. Exploring sensations and emotions through art and stories could be an empowering practice now.

Sagittarius glyph

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 – December 21, 2023

Neptune in Pisces ends its retrograde, which always comes with a temporary period of disorientation and spacey disconnect, encouraging a recalibration of your living space or familial relations over the coming days. You might begin to see things from a parent’s perspective or relate to a supportive person from your inner circle and things could start to “click.” For example, you might finally realize why people do things a certain way or why a chore, routine, or ritual requires the care and special touch that it does. If you share a home with others, this may be a transitional period when living arrangements are reorganized, reminding you to be patient with yourself and those you shelter with.

Capricorn glyph

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024

Neptune in Pisces ends its retrograde, kicking up dust and pointing to miscommunication (and missed connections). Though this type of confusion is typical for Neptune’s “about face,” attunement with your intuition and your ability to communicate from an embodied stance will continue to increase over the coming days. If you’ve felt caught up in the waves of a busy schedule, dedicated project, or the diligences of child-rearing, this could be a pivotal moment when you’re up for reconnecting with those you’ve lost touch with (perhaps a sibling, neighbor, or a person you offer care to). Your sense of reality and the way you see things could be changing as illusions fall away and you experience things as they actually are rather than how you’ve been told they are.

Aquarius glyphs

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 – February 18, 2023

Your values and financial decisions could feel swayed or in a temporary state of flux as the planet of distractions and grandeur, Neptune in Pisces, ends its retrograde. Be mindful of a scarcity mindset and the feeling that you “must have it” today. This is a transit that encourages you to consider your beliefs about money and the material world (especially subconsciously inherited ones), and how they influence your priorities, preferences, and spending choices. A more grounded outlook on what matters and what is available to you, including your ability to know that you, too, are a valuable resource in the scheme of things, will return over the coming days.

Pisces glyph

Pisces:  February 18, 2023 – March 20, 2023

Neptune ends its retrograde in your sign, temporarily turning up the dial on miscommunications and disorientation in your daily commutes and scheduling. If you’ve felt disconnected from your own sense of direction (literally and philosophically) or lost within the haze and confusion of sensational headlines and popular media, this could be a pivotal moment when you take back the helm and remember how to commandeer your own ship. Give yourself a few days to feel reorganized and reoriented to your autonomy.

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